Please read through our FAQs.  If you still have a question we haven’t covered please type it in the “COMMENTS” box below.

55 thoughts on “FAQs

  1. 10K on August 10th, its ok to run walk the event right? This is my first 10K as well first trail run so wanted to know kind of what to expect.

    • Suzie,

      This would be a great first 10k trail run. The route is undulating and a little technical so adjust your training accordingly. Check our FB page regularly for group trail running opportunities leading up to the event.



  2. For the Hagg Lake 1/2 trail run, can you give some info on aid stations? How many, what miles, just water, etc.

    • Choice Hotels offers discounted rates for XTERRA athletes.
      No camping at the lake this year, however; next year Hagg Lake is opening 80 camping spots and we are going to reserve a HUGE chunk of them for our epic 2014 weekend events.

  3. Where can I find more information on how the team/relay event works? Does the entire team participate in each part of the event or is it broken up into different sections for each person?? Any info would help, we are new to this event!!! Thanks!

    • Team events are a great way to break into this sport. The way our Team race works is you build a 2 or 3 person team that will each take on a different leg of the race. For example: you swim and bike, tag your teammate when you enter T2 and they complete the run. Or if you have a 3 person team you each complete a stage of the race: swim, mountain bike, or trail run.
      Get some friends together and have a blast!
      See you in August.

    • We use USAT requirements on the day of the race based on water temps. Make sure you like us on FB or follow on twitter for updates leading up to race day.

  4. I’m coming from out of state to run the 1/2 Marathon, and won’t be able to get to the park before the race itself. I assume there will be race-morning packet pickup?

    • Thanks for letting us know. We will allow limited race day packet pickup. Please allow extra time race morning assuming there will be several people picking up their packets Sunday morning.

      • Oh good. I was hoping for day of race packet pick up. I’ll be working sat eve and won’t be able to make it then. Thanks!!

  5. Where in Portland can I pick up running packet and T shirt prior to the 10k Race on Sunday, Aug 10th, 2014?


  6. Just wanted to confirm that Packet pick up can happen the morning of the race for those who can’t make it to Athlete’s Lounge the day before

    • Yes, we will be available race morning for registration and packet pickup. Please allow plenty of extra time.

  7. What should we tell family/friends who want to come watch (sprint tri in this case)? Where & when should they show up?

    • It’s best to have them show up prior to 830 so they can park and find their way down to the lake to watch the swim start.

  8. I heard I can register for the Sprint Tri Saturday a.m. using cash only now that online reg is closed. Is this correct and if yes, what is the entry and one day USAT fee?

    • If you show up on 8/10 to race the triathlon you’ll have missed it by one day, please show up on 8/9 to race the triathlon!!! All packet pickup information is located on the event page for each event. You can pickup your packet at the lake Friday 8/8 from 4-7pm or race morning.

    • Distance for the sprint is 500m swim, 13ish mile bike, and 5k run. Full is 1000m swim, 17ish mile bike, and 5ish mile run.

  9. I’m flying in on Friday night before the event. Is it possible to have a friend pick up my packet on Thursday at the Athlete’s Lounge? I could give his name when I sign up.

    • If you are doing any of XTERRA Portland events on Saturday, USAT requires all athletes to pickup their own packet (so we can check ID and verify USAT membership). We are allowing limited day of race packet pickup for special cases like yours. Please plan to arrive race morning with plenty of time to pickup your packet and setup in transition. Excited to have you fly in for our event!

  10. Are cyclocross bikes allowed? How do you determine what constitutes a legal mountain bike if cyclocross bikes are not allowed?

    • Hi Ian – sorry cyclocross bikes are not allowed for all of XTERRA races. I’m not exactly sure the exact definition of mt bike as XTERRA defines it; however, there is a pretty big distinction between the two types between the frames, wheels, handlbars, gears, etc. In all honesty, a crossbike on the Hagg Lake course would be incredibly difficult as it is pretty technical in spots. You can rent pretty nice mountain bikes at Fat Tire Farm in NW portland. Hope this helps.

      Cheers –


      • Thanks Shane. Seems like there should be some guideline for what is allowed and what isn’t, but I couldn’t find anything on the XTerra site. I have two mountain bikes but neither one I want to race against a light 29er cross country bike! Guess I will have to find a 29er…

  11. First time participant. Would like to see map of 10K run and 16 mile bike course. When will you post these?

  12. Hey there – I’m wondering about the bike elevation and technicality. It looks like it would be pretty mellow going around a lake, is there much elevation gain or technical sections? Trying to figure out if my enduro bike is too much and I should consider renting a lighter hard tail. Thanks!

    • Hi Nicole – there isn’t a lot of sustained climbs on the course, but a lot of short steep climbs that will get you out of the saddle. Depending on your ability the course can be moderately technical in spots. I personally ride a hard tail, but its a 29er which goes over a lot of the roots. I think a dual suspension would be a lot more comfortable though.
      Cheers –
